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Saving Work to the N Drive

STCG Group

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

In this post we will cover:

Watch the video below to find out how to save your work to the N Drive or follow the written guide below!

What is the N Drive?

The N drive is another personal storage area on the College Drive.

Click on the file explorer icon on a college computer to access this drive. The N Drive is easy to find as it is labelled as your ID Number.

We recommend saving any important documents, for example, final versions of assignments, to your N Drive as this is backed up by IT every night, so your files are secure!

Saving to the N Drive:

Let's take a Word document as an example. Open a Word document up and go to 'File', 'Save As'. Then, type in the title, before you save the file, make sure it is saved in your documents, this will then be stored on your N Drive.

Unlike OneDrive, this will not save automatically so it's good habit to save your work regularly.

Accessing your Files in College:

To access your N Drive in college, login to a college computer and open 'File Explorer'. Your files should then appear in your 'Documents'. You are then able to open these files and carry on where you left off - just make sure to keep saving your work!

Accessing your N Drive Files from Home:

You can also access your N Drive from home using STCG Connect.

Please click here to access STCG Connect and login using these details:

Username: Your ID (

Password: College Password

You can then access all the files that are saved to your N Drive at college, from home!

Downloading files from your N drive to your personal device. You can download any files by selecting the file/folder and choosing 'download'. You will then be able to find this file in your downloads folder on the device you are on.

Uploading a File. You can upload any files you have on your personal computer, onto your N Drive.

In STCG Connect, select 'Upload' and locate the file/folder. Once located, select the file and click 'Open'. When the file is selected, click 'Upload'. This file will then be uploaded onto your college N Drive, so when you go to your documents on a college computer, the file will be there!

Need help saving your work to the N Drive? Click here to create a ticket.

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