An introduction to Referencing:
What is Referencing?
When should I reference?
Why should I reference?
Harvard Referencing
The Harvard System of Referencing is comprised of two parts:
In Text Citations
Appear in brackets throughout your assignment
Highlight where in your assignment you have used information from another source
Citations are inserted throughout your essay at the point where you have directly quoted, summarised or paraphrased another author's thoughts, ideas or words.
At points where you have directly quoted from another author you should include:
Year of publication date
If you are quoting or summarising a particular section of work or book, include the page numbers in brackets.
Example of In Text Citations:
In the example above. I have directly quoted from a book. In this instance, after writing the quote, I would include the author (Hogg, Kelly and Mercer), the date the work was published (2015) and the page number in which the book was taken from (p.6). This information should all be in brackets.
List of References
Appears at the end of your assignment
Gives the reader information for all your sources, so the reader can find the information themselves.
In alphabetical order according to the author’s surname.
Each reference in the list provides the full information of the works you have used. Your reference should include:
Author (who wrote the piece of work)
Publication date (when was the work written)
Title (what is the title of the work)
Where would someone else be able to find this information?
Example of references:
How to reference different media types?
Book: Author (year) Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher
Website: Author (year) Page title. Available at: full web address (Accessed: accessed date in full).
Journal: Author (year) ‘Article title’, Magazine Title, volume number (issue number) OR date, page number(s).
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