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Getting Started


If you need any help getting started at STCG, please click on the chat icon in the bottom right corner.

Steps to Success:

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This guide will help students at STCG get started and prepared to start college, from helping you activate your account to downloading all your college apps.

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What have you done so far?

Please click on the tile below that best describes which stage you are at in the Induction process. If you have just enrolled, please select the option 'I am a new student!'

I'm a new student!

If you have recently enrolled, you will need to activate your college account. This means creating a college password.


I've set up my account!

If you are this stage, this means you have created a college login. Once you have your login, you can then set up all the key college apps!


I've set up my College Apps

If you are this stage, this means you have logged in and set up all your college apps like Moodle (Open LMS), Outlook and Microsoft 365!


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